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Services & Events

Services are held each Sunday and begin at 10 a.m. 


  • Services cover a wide variety of topics related to the values of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Childcare and religious education is always available for children and youth. Coffee hour follows each service, providing us with an opportunity for fellowship and socialization as we discuss the topic of the day, or other issues on members’ minds. Summer services vary. They are less formal, and include a social aspect, so be sure to review this page to know what is happening each week.


  • Book Discussions: These discussions usually take place September to May, focusing on a non-fiction book dealing with a contemporary social action topic such as climate change, racism, or economic inequities.

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January 2025 Services and Events


Sunday, Dec. 29 – No Service. Happy New Year!


Sunday, Jan. 5 – Mini-concert with local musicians Nora Hastay and Maria Lewis.


Nora sings, plays, and writes her own music. Maria plays guitar in a local band and sings. They will present a mini-concert to ring in the New Year.


Sunday, Jan. 12 – Service w/Dennis Peters, “What is Wrong?”


This will be a starting point. And rather than give solutions, we first need to know the problems, right? So let’s explore some of the (many) problems in the world today. With warmth and humor where we can, of course.


Because the next step, another time, will be to discuss the solutions. Come walk with me through our world today so we can think about the world of tomorrow!


USM Board Meeting after the service.


Thursday, Jan. 16 – USM Programming Committee Meeting, 9 a.m., Golden Leaf Cafe.


Sunday, Jan. 19 – Book Discussion


“Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard,” by Douglas Tallamy is our next book selection. Tallamy shows how homeowners everywhere can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats.


Be prepared to discuss the first 5 chapters. These discussions are open to the public. Leader: Juliana Schmidt


Sunday, Jan. 26 – Service w/Dennis Peters, “How Do We Fix It?”


Let’s solve the world’s problems! No, we may not be diplomats. But we are humans, caring, kind. And we know how to solve problems in our daily lives, and in our communities. We understand right from wrong.


Let’s put our thinking caps on — now that’s an old saying! — and come up with some answers. This will be fun!

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