Social Action

A UU member signing a new door which will be installed in a new Habitat for Humanity home we're helping with here in Menomonie

Packing gifts for Christmas at Bridge to Hope

April 2021 highway cleanup
Unitarian Universalists are united by a conviction that beliefs and values must be expressed in action or they are empty. We are committed to raising our voices against injustice, standing on the side of love, and acting together in community as agents of change.
In the Dunn County area, our commitment to our beliefs leads our members to work in many social action needs, as we seek to help build a better world for all.
As a fellowship, we have committed especially to tackling homelessness among community youth. Estimates suggest that as many as 100 school-age children are homeless at any one time. These children are too young to qualify for the homeless shelter at Stepping Stones. Working with local schools, the Boys and Girls Club and individual contacts, we have raised funds for food bags when kids are out of school, personal hygiene items, haircuts, clothing and other needs.
Our Unitarian Society of Menomonie is also a member of JONAH (Joining Our Neighbors Advancing Hope), an Eau Claire and Menomonie based organization tackling a variety of social needs, including homelessness, hunger, immigration, veterans issues and others.
We support two families each Christmas holiday season through the Bridge to Hope, a domestic violence shelter in Menomonie. We provide gifts, wrapping materials, food and other things to provide a holiday experience for families in crisis who otherwise might not have one.
Other social action efforts have included a segment of Adopt-A-Highway, assistance at Stepping Stones of Dunn County, special attention to veterans’ needs, and others as members identify them.

Food and hygiene bag for homeless kids